RUU i The BUCS Rugby Union Championships shall be conducted in accordance with the following BUCS sport specific regulations, the BUCS general regulations, and the World Rugby Laws of the Game.
RUU ii In the event that these regulations contradict the BUCS general regulations, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.
RUU iii In the event that these regulations contradict the World Rugby Laws of the Game, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.
RUU 1 General
RUU 1.1 There shall be separate Team Championships for Men and Women. The programme for each Championships shall include leagues and knockout competitions as per BUCS general regulations, Appendix 1 (‘BUCS Competition Offer and Associated BUCS Points’) and Appendix 10 (‘BUCS Promotion, Relegation and Knockout Information’).
RUU 1.1.1 In the Men’s Team Championships, for tiers 4 and below, BUCS reserves the right to operate a maximum of four leagues per tier in a Conference (as opposed to the standard two) should entry levels permit. In such an instance, REG is amended so that a Playing Entity will be permitted to have a maximum of three teams in the tier, regardless of playing conference.
RUU 1.1.2 In the Men’s Team Championships, on an annual basis - at the point of team entry - existing teams competing in tiers 4 and below (with the exception of those promoted to Tier 3), and any new teams, shall have the opportunity to request entry either at Tier 4, or below, for the following season. The final decision on league allocations shall sit with the BUCS Executive. The final decision on league allocations shall sit with the BUCS Executive. This is in addition to teams having the ability to request adjusted league placement under REG
RUU 1.2 Affiliations All teams of English institutions/Playing Entities must belong to a club which holds membership of the Students’ Rugby Football Union (SRFU) and Rugby Football Union (RFU) as per the requirements in the BUCS Sport Specific Affiliations Document by the deadline stated in the BUCS Sport Specific Affiliations Document. Failure to do so will lead to sanctions as outlined in the BUCS Sport Specific Affiliations Document and possibly further disciplinary action.
RUU 1.3 League points
RUU 1.3.1 Four points will be awarded for a win, two points for a draw and no points for a loss.
RUU 1.3.2 A bonus point will be awarded to a team:
- On each occasion it scores four or more tries in a match
- On each occasion it loses a match by seven points or less
RUU 1.3.3 Where a walkover has been awarded/conceded (REG 13), five points shall be given to the non-offending team and five points deducted from the offending team.
RUU 1.3.4 No points will be awarded to either team in the case of a void fixture.
RUU 1.4 Playing surface All matches should be played on grass or World Rugby approved artificial surface as per World Rugby Law 1 and World Rugby Regulation 22. It is the responsibility of the first named (home) team when confirming the fixture (note REG 9.5) to advise the opposition team and all match officials of the playing surface and on any footwear restrictions and the type of surface to be used (note REG 9.3.3).
RUU 1.5 Health and safety
RUU 1.5.1 Rules regarding players’ protective clothing, studs etc. shall follow the rules as laid down by the respective Home Union in which the relevant match is played and teams should be aware of the different regulations in place for each of the Home Unions.
RUU 1.5.2 No underwired bras are to be worn for contact rugby.
RUU 1.5.3 All teams are expected to provide their own first aid kit, gloves, water spray bottles and sterile wipes for the treatment of blood injuries. The use of buckets and sponges is discouraged. Current Home Union and World Rugby guidelines for treatment of blood injuries are to be adhered to.
RUU 1.5.4 The first named (home) team should ensure there is access to a telephone at all fixtures for emergencies.
RUU 1.6 Unless specified otherwise, the World Rugby Laws of the Game followed shall be the standard laws and not the under-19 variations.
RUU 1.7 Players must meet the minimum age requirement set out by their institution/Playing Entity’s Home Nation for playing senior rugby, in addition to meeting the minimum age for BUCS competitions outlined in REG 4.1. These are:
- England: Players must be 18 years of age.
- Scotland: Players must be 17 years of age*.
- Wales: Players must be 18 years of age.
*All 17 year old players wishing to play BUCS Rugby Union must get written permission from the Scottish Rugby Union (SRU) to participate in BUCS competitions; this is to guarantee all parties are insured. No player should train or play without this consent.
RUU 1.8 Post Protectors It is the responsibility of the first named (home) team for each match to ensure that post protectors are in place. If no post protectors are in place, then a match must not proceed.
RUU 1.9 Discipline
RUU 1.9.1 All matches are played under the auspices of World Rugby. However, the overarching jurisdiction for each game rests with the Home Union in which the relevant match is played and institutions should be aware of the different regulations in place for each of the Home Unions.
RUU 1.9.2 Sending offs A sending off report shall be initiated by the relevant match official in each case where a player is sent off (red card) and this should be forwarded to the Home Union point of contact who will in turn send it, if appropriate to the Union to which the institution/Playing Entity is affiliated. It is for that Union to take action as appropriate.
RUU 1.9.3 Citings All citings should be forwarded to the Home Union in which the match was played and the timescales pertinent in that country are binding to those teams playing. The citing should contain:
- Details of teams participating.
- Location and date.
- Name of player(s).
- Details of allegation and which law contravened.
- Witness statements, match footage, injury photographs and medical report and prognosis if applicable.
RUU 1.9.4 BUCS, the Rugby Football Union (RFU) and the Students' Rugby Football Union (SRFU) operate a Higher Education Rugby Union Disciplinary Group (HERUDG) through which a partnership approach to dealing with misconduct issues relating to English institutions can be taken, including the sharing of outcomes of any disciplinary action taken by either BUCS or the RFU. Further information regarding the HERUDG can be found here.
RUU 1.10 Tackle height The applicable laws in relation to tackle height shall be those adopted by the Home Union of the nation in which each fixture is being played.
RUU 2 Men's BUCS Super Rugby (Men’s National league and National Championship knockout competition) specific regulations
RUU 2.1 Minimum Operating Standards Institutions/Playing Entities must conform to the Men’s BUCS Super Rugby Minimum Operating Standards (MOS). These are outlined in a separate document and managed by the BUCS Executive directly with institutions/Playing Entities. The MOS document is to be observed in conjunction with the BUCS general regulations and Rugby Union sport specific regulations.
RUU 2.2 Fixture Administration
RUU 2.2.1 Playing colours In an exception to REG 9.4, for televised ‘feature games’, the first named (home) team is permitted to wear their usual ‘home’ colours where a kit clash exists. This must be communicated to the opposition seven days prior to the fixture taking place.
RUU 2.2.2 Fixture dates
RUU League matches All matches must take place on the date as set by BUCS. Unless REG 14 applies, only in exceptional circumstances and with written agreement of both institutions and written approval from the BUCS Executive may league matches take place on an alternative date. Once agreed and approved, BUCS Play must be updated immediately.
RUU Should REG 14 apply, dates offered by both institutions to play the rearranged fixture must fall within the below windows:
- For matches scheduled (either originally or due to a previous rearrangement) in match weeks 1-6, rearranged fixtures must be played by 10 November 2024. (The Sunday after blank fixture week 1)
- For matches scheduled (either originally or due to a previous rearrangement) in match weeks 7-11, rearranged fixtures must be played by 19 January 2025. (The Sunday before match week 12 following the Christmas break)
- For matches scheduled (either originally or due to a previous rearrangement) in match weeks 12-15, rearranged fixtures must be played by 23 February 2025. (The Sunday after blank fixture week 2)
- For matches scheduled (either originally or due to a previous rearrangement) in match week 16, rearranged fixtures must be played by 9 March 2025. (The Sunday before match week 18)
- For matches scheduled (either originally or due to a previous rearrangement) in match week 17, rearranged fixtures must be played by 16 March 2025. (The Sunday after match week 18)
- Matches from match week 18 that require a rearrangement must be played by the league deadline, in accordance with Appendix 2 (‘BUCS Leagues and Knockouts – Dates and Deadlines’).
RUU Teams shall not be permitted to reschedule a Men’s BUCS Super Rugby fixture such that it would mean that fewer than 36 hours have elapsed since the kick-off time of the last Men’s BUCS Super Rugby fixture played by either team, or that fewer than 36 hours would remain between the kick-off time of said fixture and that of the next Men’s BUCS Super Rugby fixture scheduled for either team.
RUU RUU does not prevent institutions ‘reversing’ fixtures – that is changing who the host institution is for each of the two scheduled league matches between the two teams
RUU Knockout competition matches REG 9.2.2 shall apply, however the BUCS Executive can change the date of a fixture, should the need arise, in order to fulfil media requirements in the Men’s Rugby Union Championship knockout competition.
RUU Teams shall not be permitted to reschedule a Men’s BUCS Super Rugby fixture such that it would mean that fewer than 36 hours have elapsed since the kick-off time of the last Men’s BUCS Super Rugby fixture played by either team, or that fewer than 36 hours would remain between the kick-off time of said fixture and that of the next Men’s BUCS Super Rugby fixture scheduled for either team.
RUU 2.2.3 The time of fixtures in the final round of league competition shall be set by the BUCS Executive in advance of the season commencing and cannot be changed without approval from the BUCS Executive.
RUU 2.2.4 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of 10 minutes. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 2.2.5 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 2.3 Match Officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 2.3.1 Officials for all Men’s BUCS Super Rugby fixtures will be appointed centrally by the RFU (in England) and WRU (in Wales), with the addition of a 4th official being required which it is the responsibility of the first named (home) institution/Playing Entity to arrange.
RUU 2.4 Team selection
RUU 2.4.1 International commitment exemption On league weeks when players who an institution would internally consider a "1st Team player" are not released for BUCS selection due to their international commitments (training or competition), players who an institution would not internally consider a "1st Team player" are able to "move up" to the 1st Team to cover the absence without it counting towards their ‘normality’ tally (as described in REG under the following conditions:
RUU The names of the "1st Team player(s)" unavailable due to international commitments (training or competition), evidence of their selection, and the name(s) of the players 'playing up' as cover must be submitted via email to [email protected] prior to the start of the relevant fixture to be eligible for normality exemption.
RUU Failure to meet the requirements of RUU in advance will mean that the fixture will count towards ‘normality’ for the player(s) 'playing up'.
RUU This is in addition to, and does not supersede any other elements of, BUCS REG 11.1.
RUU 2.4.2 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU For playoff fixtures, players shall only be eligible to move down one team if it can be evidenced that they are covering an injured front row player.
RUU 2.4.3 In order to be eligible to compete in each of the Men’s BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches players must have been named on Team Sheets (REG 11.2) in at least 33% of the league fixtures that season for the team they wish to represent. The exemptions to this being:
- Where it is evidenced that a player was unable to be named for 66% or more of the league fixtures that season for the team in question for medical reasons and/or not being released for BUCS selection due to international commitments (full international or U20, training or competition).
- Where a player has established normality (REG for a lower ranked team that season, and hence would be eligible to be called up, evidenced through Team Sheets (REG 11.2).
RUU 2.4.4 In order to be eligible to compete in each of the Men’s BUCS Super Rugby National Championship matches players must have been named on Team Sheets (REG 11.2) in at least 33% of the league fixtures that season for the team they wish to represent. The exemptions to this being:
- Where it is evidenced that a player was unable to be named for 66% or more of the league fixtures that season for the team in question for medical reasons and/or not being released for BUCS selection due to international commitments (full international or U20, training or competition).
- Where a player has established normality (REG for a lower ranked team that season, and hence would be eligible to be called up, evidenced through Team Sheets (REG 11.2).
RUU 2.5 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 2.6 Replacements, front row requirements and scrummage
RUU 2.6.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 2.6.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with teams limited to 12 interchanges per match. At least five of the nominated squad (irrespective of squad size, but maximum 22) must be able to play in front row positions and the team must be able to replace both a prop and a hooker at the first time of asking. Teams will be allowed a 23 player squad if they field an additional front row replacement to ensure cover of all three front row positions (Loosehead Prop, Hooker and Tighthead Prop) at the first time of asking. This falls in line with World Rugby Law 3.8.
RUU 2.6.3 A team unable to start the match with at least five suitably trained front row players will be deemed to have conceded a walkover. If the above requirements were met pre-match but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall apply, whether a 22 or 23 player squad.
RUU 2.6.4 All matches will be played to full World Rugby scrummage regulations.
RUU 2.6.5 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 2.7 BUCS Super Rugby playoffs
RUU 2.7.1 The home team for each of the BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches must host at a venue that meets the requirements outlined in the BUCS Super Rugby Playoff Minimum Operating Standards. Institutions/Playing Entities are encouraged to use neutral venues, but this is not mandatory.
RUU 2.7.2 The home team for each of the BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches will be determined by coin toss, undertaken by the BUCS Executive, subject to it having been confirmed that they will be able to provide a venue that meets the requirements of RUU 2.7.1. Confirmation will be achieved by the BUCS Executive undertaking an audit in January/February with any Premier North/South 1 teams who are in potential contention for the playoffs of any venue(s) they would wish to host at. The existing BUCS Super Rugby team will be expected to provide such a venue, given the requirements already applying to any venues they have used throughout the league season. If a team cannot confirm that they will be able to provide a venue that meets the requirements of RUU 2.7.1, then they will automatically be designated as the away team.
RUU 2.8 Results The results of all Men’s BUCS Super Rugby matches, including the number of tries, conversions and penalties, must be entered, and approved, on BUCS Play no later than 2 hours after a match finishing.
RUU 3 Men’s North 1/South 1/North 2/South 2 leagues and National Vase knockout competition specific regulations
RUU 3.1 Fixture Administration
RUU 3.1.1 Pitches should, as a minimum, be roped off to a distance of three metres to prevent spectator encroachment.
RUU 3.1.2 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of 10 minutes. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 3.1.3 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 3.2 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 3.3 Team selection
RUU 3.3.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU For playoff fixtures, players shall only be eligible to move down one team if it can be evidenced that they are covering an injured front row player.
RUU 3.3.2 In order to be eligible to compete in each of the Men’s BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches players must have been named on Team Sheets (REG 11.2) in at least 33% of the league fixtures that season for the team they wish to represent. The exemptions to this being:
- Where it is evidenced that a player was unable to be named for 66% or more of the league fixtures that season for the team in question for medical reasons and/or not being released for BUCS selection due to international commitments (full international or U20, training or competition).
- Where a player has established normality (REG for a lower ranked team that season, and hence would be eligible to be called up, evidenced through Team Sheets (REG 11.2).
RUU 3.4 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 3.5 Replacements, front row requirements and scrummage
RUU 3.5.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 3.5.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. At least five of the nominated squad (irrespective of squad size, but maximum 22) must be able to play in front row positions and the team must be able to replace both a prop and a hooker at the first time of asking.
RUU 3.5.3 A team unable to start the match with at least five suitably trained front row players will be deemed to have conceded a walkover. If the above requirements were met pre-match but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall apply, regardless of squad size.
RUU 3.5.4 All matches will be played to full World Rugby scrummage regulations.
RUU 3.5.5 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 3.6 BUCS Super Rugby playoffs
RUU 3.6.1 The home team for each of the BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches must host at a venue that meets the requirements outlined in the BUCS Super Rugby Playoff Minimum Operating Standards. Institutions/Playing Entities are encouraged to use neutral venues, but this is not mandatory.
RUU 3.6.2 The home team for each of the BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches will be determined by coin toss, undertaken by the BUCS Executive, subject to it having been confirmed that they will be able to provide a venue that meets the requirements of RUU 3.6.1. Confirmation will be achieved by the BUCS Executive undertaking an audit in January/February with any Premier North/South 1 teams who are in potential contention for the playoffs of any venue(s) they would wish to host at. The existing BUCS Super Rugby team will be expected to provide such a venue, given the requirements already applying to any venues they have used throughout the league season. If a team cannot confirm that they will be able to provide a venue that meets the requirements of RUU 3.6.1, then they will automatically be designated as the away team.
RUU 4 Men’s Tier 1 leagues and National Trophy knockout competition specific regulations
RUU 4.1 Fixture Administration
RUU 4.1.1 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of 10 minutes. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 4.1.2 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 4.2 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 4.3 Team selection
RUU 4.3.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU For playoff fixtures, players shall only be eligible to move down one team if it can be evidenced that they are covering an injured front row player.
RUU 4.4 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 4.5 Replacements, front row requirements and scrummage
RUU 4.5.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 4.5.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. At least five of the nominated squad (irrespective of squad size, but maximum 22) must be able to play in front row positions and the team must be able to replace both a prop and a hooker at the first time of asking.
RUU 4.5.3 A team unable to start the match with at least five suitably trained front row players will be deemed to have conceded a walkover. If the above requirements were met pre-match but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall apply, regardless of squad size.
RUU 4.5.4 All matches will be played to full World Rugby scrummage regulations.
RUU 4.5.5 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 5 Men’s Tier 2–Tier 4 leagues and Conference Cup/Trophy knockout competition specific regulations
RUU 5.1 Fixture Administration
RUU 5.1.1 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of no less than five minutes, with 10 minutes being the preferred duration. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 5.1.2 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 5.2 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 5.3 Team selection
RUU 5.3.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU 5.4 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 5.5 Replacements, front row requirements and scrummage
RUU 5.5.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 5.5.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. The number of suitably trained and experienced front row players of the nominated squad (maximum 22 players) must conform to the following:
Number of Suitably Trained and Experienced Front Row Players |
Number of Players in Squad |
Three players who can play in the front row |
15 or less |
Four players who can play in the front row |
16, 17 or 18 |
Five players who can play in the front row |
19, (20, 21 or 22) |
When 19, 20, 21 or 22 players are nominated in a team there must be five players who can play in the front row to ensure that on the first occasion that a replacement hooker is required and, on the first occasion that a replacement prop forward is required, the team can continue to play safely with contested scrums. If at the second time of asking there is no suitably trained front row replacement then the World Rugby Laws will be followed, even if with a 22 player squad.
RUU 5.5.3 A team unable to start the match with at least three suitably trained front row players will be deemed to have conceded a walkover. If the above requirements were met pre-match but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall apply, regardless of squad size.
RUU 5.5.4 Matches in England and Wales will be played to full World Rugby scrummage regulations. Matches in Scotland will be played to World Rugby U19 scrummage regulations.
RUU 5.5.5 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 6 Men’s Tier 5 and below leagues and Conference Shield knockout competition specific regulations
RUU 6.1 Fixture Administration
RUU 6.1.1 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of no less than five minutes, with 10 minutes being the preferred duration. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 6.1.2 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 6.2 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 6.3 Team selection
RUU 6.3.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU 6.4 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 6.5 Replacements, front row requirements, scrummage and player matching
RUU 6.5.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 6.5.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. Teams are permitted to field up to a full squad of 22 players without a qualified front row and in the event of a team being unable to field a suitably trained front row at the start of a match resulting in uncontested scrums being played, the result shall stand.
RUU 6.5.3 Priority must be given to the highest ranked team from an institution/Playing Entity downwards. Therefore, a higher ranked team may not start a match with uncontested scrums whilst any lower teams are starting matches on the same day with contested scrums.
RUU 6.5.4 If a match starts with contested scrums but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall not apply, therefore a player whose departure has caused the referee to order uncontested scrums can be replaced.
RUU 6.5.5 Matches in England and Wales will be played to full World Rugby scrummage regulations. Matches in Scotland will be played to World Rugby U19 scrummage regulations.
RUU 6.5.6 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 6.5.7 Player matching
RUU If a team informs their opposition in writing, at least 24 hours in advance of the advertised kick-off time, that they will be fielding less than 15 players (but at least a minimum of ten in accordance with RUU 6.4) then their opposition shall be obliged to only field the same number of starting players, however they may still bring as many replacements as they wish up to a maximum squad size of 22. The team requiring player matching shall not be permitted to have any replacements - all players must start. Both teams must also inform the referee before the start of the match of the player matching arrangements.
RUU Where at least 24 hours' notice in advance of the advertised kick-off time is not given, if a team is fielding less than 15 players (but at least a minimum of ten in accordance with RUU 6.4), then their opposition is not obliged to only field the same number of starting players, but they may still agree to do so, and this is encouraged. In this circumstance, the opposition team may name those players who will no longer be starting as additional replacements up to a maximum squad size of 22. The team requiring player matching shall not be permitted to have any replacements - all players must start. Both teams must also inform the referee before the start of the match of the player matching arrangements.
RUU Once a match has begun, should the number of players a team can field be reduced, their opposition shall not be obliged to match numbers, however they may agree to do so, and this is encouraged. In this circumstance, any player removed in order to match numbers shall become an additional replacement.
RUU 6.6 Game On Principles The following ‘Game On Principles’ may be applied, subject to the agreement of both teams and notification to the referee prior to kick-off:
RUU 6.6.1 Duration of play A match can be a minimum of 40 minutes in duration.
RUU 6.6.2 Half Game rule Teams are encouraged to apply the half game rule to ensure each player in every match day squad plays at least half of the match.
RUU 6.6.3 Line outs Team may agree not to contest or lift in the line out.
RUU 7 Women’s BUCS Super Rugby (Women’s National league and National Championship knockout competition) specific regulations
RUU 7.1 Minimum Operating Standards Institutions/Playing Entities must conform to the Women’s BUCS Super Rugby Minimum Operating Standards (MOS). These are outlined in a separate document and managed by the BUCS Executive directly with institutions/Playing Entities. The MOS document is to be observed in conjunction with the BUCS general regulations and Rugby Union sport specific regulations.
RUU 7.2 Fixture Administration
RUU 7.2.1 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of 10 minutes. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 7.2.2 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 7.2.3 Representative commitments When five or more players are selected for a National Governing Body senior side (Full, A, U21, Students, Universities or Women’s Elite, Academy or Under 20s), necessitating their presence at a competition or preparation camp associated with a competition, the institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be able to postpone any affected league fixtures.
RUU The institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be responsible for informing the opposition institution/Playing Entity of the requirement to postpone the fixture no later than 48 hours (outside of weekends and bank holidays) after the announcement of the squad for the representative team, and no later than five working days prior to the original fixture date. Upon notification of the postponement, institutions must follow REG 14.3 to rearrange the fixture.
RUU Knockout competition fixtures are not covered by RUU 7.2.3.
RUU 7.3 Match Officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 7.3.1 Officials for all Women’s BUCS Super Rugby fixtures will be appointed centrally by the RFU (in England), SRU (in Scotland) and WRU (in Wales).
RUU 7.4 Team selection
RUU 7.4.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU For playoff fixtures, players shall only be eligible to move down one team if it can be evidenced that they are covering an injured front row player.
RUU 7.4.2 In order to be eligible to compete in each of the Women’s BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches players must have been named on Team Sheets (REG 11.2) in at least 33% of the league fixtures that season for the team they wish to represent. The exemptions to this being:
- Where it is evidenced that a player was unable to be named for 66% or more of the league fixtures that season for the team in question for medical reasons and/or not being released for BUCS selection due to international commitments (full international or U20, training or competition).
- Where a player has established normality (REG for a lower ranked team that season, and hence would be eligible to be called up, evidenced through Team Sheets (REG 11.2).
RUU 7.4.3 In order to be eligible to compete in each of the Women’s BUCS Super Rugby National Championship matches players must have been named on Team Sheets (REG 11.2) in at least 33% of the league fixtures that season for the team they wish to represent. The exemptions to this being:
- Where it is evidenced that a player was unable to be named for 66% or more of the league fixtures that season for the team in question for medical reasons and/or not being released for BUCS selection due to international commitments (full international or U20, training or competition).
- Where a player has established normality (REG for a lower ranked team that season, and hence would be eligible to be called up, evidenced through Team Sheets (REG 11.2).
RUU 7.5 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 7.6 Replacements, front row requirements and scrummage
RUU 7.6.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 7.6.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions is used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. At least five of the nominated squad (irrespective of squad size, but maximum 22) must be able to play in front row positions and the team must be able to replace both a prop and a hooker at the first time of asking. Teams will be allowed a 23 player squad if they field an additional front row replacement to ensure cover of all three front row positions (Loosehead Prop, Hooker and Tighthead Prop) at the first time of asking. This falls in line with World Rugby Law 3.8.
RUU 7.6.3 A team unable to start the match with at least five suitably trained front row players will be deemed to have conceded a walkover. If the above requirements were met pre-match but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall apply, whether a 22 or 23 player squad.
RUU 7.6.4 All matches will be played to full World Rugby scrummage regulations.
RUU 7.6.5 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 7.7 Women’s BUCS Super Rugby playoffs
RUU 7.7.1 The home team for each of the Women’s BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches will be determined by coin toss, undertaken by the BUCS Executive. Institutions/Playing Entities are encouraged to use neutral venues, but this is not mandatory.
RUU 7.8 Results The results of all Women’s BUCS Super Rugby matches, including the number of tries, conversions and penalties, must be entered, and approved, on BUCS Play no later than 2 hours after a match finishing.
RUU 8 Women’s North/South leagues and National Vase knockout competition specific regulations
RUU 8.1 Fixture Administration
RUU 8.1.1 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of 10 minutes. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 8.1.2 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 8.1.3 Representative commitments When five or more players are selected for a National Governing Body senior side (Full, A, U21, Students, Universities or Women’s Elite, Academy or Under 20s), necessitating their presence at a competition or preparation camp associated with a competition, the institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be able to postpone any affected league fixtures.
RUU The institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be responsible for informing the opposition institution/Playing Entity of the requirement to postpone the fixture no later than 48 hours (outside of weekends and bank holidays) after the announcement of the squad for the representative team, and no later than five working days prior to the original fixture date. Upon notification of the postponement, institutions must follow REG 14.3 to rearrange the fixture.
RUU Knockout competition fixtures are not covered by RUU 8.1.3.
RUU 8.2 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 8.3 Team selection
RUU 8.3.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU For playoff fixtures, players shall only be eligible to move down one team if it can be evidenced that they are covering an injured front row player.
RUU 8.3.2 In order to be eligible to compete in each of the Women’s BUCS Super Rugby playoff matches players must have been named on Team Sheets (REG 11.2) in at least 33% of the league fixtures that season for the team they wish to represent. The exemptions to this being:
- Where it is evidenced that a player was unable to be named for 66% or more of the league fixtures that season for the team in question for medical reasons and/or not being released for BUCS selection due to international commitments (full international or U20, training or competition).
- Where a player has established normality (REG for a lower ranked team that season, and hence would be eligible to be called up, evidenced through Team Sheets (REG 11.2).
RUU 8.4 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 8.5 Replacements, front row requirements and scrummage
RUU 8.5.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 8.5.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. The number of suitably trained and experienced front row players of the nominated squad (maximum 22 players) must conform to the following:
Number of Suitably Trained and Experienced Front Row Players |
Number of Players in Squad |
Three players who can play in the front row |
15 or less |
Four players who can play in the front row |
16, 17 or 18 |
Five players who can play in the front row |
19, (20, 21 or 22) |
When 19, 20, 21 or 22 players are nominated in a team there must be five players who can play in the front row to ensure that on the first occasion that a replacement hooker is required and, on the first occasion that a replacement prop forward is required, the team can continue to play safely with contested scrums. If at the second time of asking there is no suitably trained front row replacement then the World Rugby Laws will be followed, even if with a 22 player squad.
RUU 8.5.3 If a team is unable to start a match with at least three suitably trained front row players, the following shall apply:
RUU If they inform their opposition that they are unable to provide a front row at least 24 hours in advance of the advertised kick-off time then they may play with uncontested scrums, but they will be limited to a maximum squad size of 15 players, unless otherwise agreed with the opposition.
RUU Should at least 24 hours’ notice not be given, the non-offending team will be entitled to claim a walkover. If the non-offending team agrees to play with uncontested scrums, then they are not entitled to claim a walkover retrospectively. In such a case, the offending team will be limited to a maximum squad size of 15 players, unless otherwise agreed with the opposition.
RUU Teams that play more than three matches with uncontested scrums will be deducted three league points and face possible further disciplinary action. Non-offending teams should report offending teams here.
RUU 8.5.4 If the above requirements were met pre-match but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall apply, regardless of squad size.
RUU 8.5.5 All matches will be played according to full World Rugby scrummage regulations.
RUU Teams can opt to play their matches using World Rugby U19 scrummage regulations. This must be agreed in writing and signed by each team’s captain and the match referee. No penalty will apply, there will be no option to submit a ‘Playing Under Protest’ form, and the result will stand.
RUU 8.5.6 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 9 Women’s Tier 1 leagues and National Trophy knockout competition specific regulations
RUU 9.1 Fixture Administration
RUU 9.1.1 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of 10 minutes. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 9.1.2 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 9.1.3 Representative commitments When five or more players are selected for a National Governing Body senior side (Full, A, U21, Students, Universities or Women’s Elite, Academy or Under 20s), necessitating their presence at a competition or preparation camp associated with a competition, the institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be able to postpone any affected league fixtures.
RUU The institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be responsible for informing the opposition institution/Playing Entity of the requirement to postpone the fixture no later than 48 hours (outside of weekends and bank holidays) after the announcement of the squad for the representative team, and no later than five working days prior to the original fixture date. Upon notification of the postponement, institutions must follow REG 14.3 to rearrange the fixture.
RUU Knockout competition fixtures are not covered by RUU 9.1.3.
RUU 9.2 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 9.3 Team selection
RUU 9.3.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU For playoff fixtures, players shall only be eligible to move down one team if it can be evidenced that they are covering an injured front row player.
RUU 9.4 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 9.5 Replacements, front row requirements and scrummage
RUU 9.5.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 9.5.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. The number of suitably trained and experienced front row players of the nominated squad (maximum 22 players) must conform to the following:
Number of Suitably Trained and Experienced Front Row Players |
Number of Players in Squad |
Three players who can play in the front row |
15 or less |
Four players who can play in the front row |
16, 17 or 18 |
Five players who can play in the front row |
19, (20, 21 or 22) |
When 19, 20, 21 or 22 players are nominated in a team there must be five players who can play in the front row to ensure that on the first occasion that a replacement hooker is required and, on the first occasion that a replacement prop forward is required, the team can continue to play safely with contested scrums. If at the second time of asking there is no suitably trained front row replacement then the World Rugby Laws will be followed, even if with a 22 player squad.
RUU 9.5.3 If a team is unable to start a match with at least three suitably trained front row players, the following shall apply:
RUU If they inform their opposition that they are unable to provide a front row at least 24 hours in advance of the advertised kick-off time then they may play with uncontested scrums, but they will be limited to a maximum squad size of 15 players, unless otherwise agreed with the opposition.
RUU Should at least 24 hours’ notice not be given, the non-offending team will be entitled to claim a walkover. If the non-offending team agrees to play with uncontested scrums, then they are not entitled to claim a walkover retrospectively. In such a case, the offending team will be limited to a maximum squad size of 15 players, unless otherwise agreed with the opposition.
RUU Teams that play more than three matches with uncontested scrums will be deducted three league points and face possible further disciplinary action. Non-offending teams should report offending teams here.
RUU 9.5.4 If the above requirements were met pre-match but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall apply, regardless of squad size.
RUU 9.5.5 All matches will be played according to the under-19 variations of the World Rugby Scrum Laws.
RUU Teams can opt to play their matches using the standard World Rugby Scrum Laws. This must be agreed in writing and signed by each team’s captain and the match referee. There will be no option to submit a ‘Playing Under Protest’ form, and the result will stand.
RUU 9.5.6 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 10 Women’s Tier 2 and below leagues and Conference Cup knockout competition specific regulations
RUU 10.1 Fixture Administration
RUU 10.1.1 Duration of play All matches shall consist of two periods of 40 minutes and a half-time interval of no less than five minutes, with 10 minutes being the preferred duration. Teams shall change ends at half-time.
RUU 10.1.2 Ties in knockout competition matches In the event of a tie after normal time, the outcome of the match shall be determined as follows:
RUU There shall be a five minute break. After this break, the teams will change ends and there shall be a period of extra time between the teams of 10 minutes each way, with a one minute interval. If the scores are then still equal;
RUU The team that has scored most tries shall be declared the winners. If this does not produce a result;
RUU The team that has scored the most goals from tries shall be declared the winners. If no result is achieved at this point, the result shall be decided as follows;
RUU Each team shall nominate one player from its number on the field of play at the final whistle to participate on its behalf in a place kicking competition;
RUU Starting with the kicker from the team that had the initial match kick-off, each kicker in turn shall attempt a place kick from the pre-determined positions indicated in RUU until such time as, after an equal number of attempts, one kicker has kicked more goals than the other;
RUU These attempts will be made towards the goal posts nearest the players’ entrance tunnel to the pitch or in the event of both sets of goal posts being of equal distance from the players’ entrance tunnel the goal posts to the left of the said tunnel when emerging from it;
RUU The attempts will be taken from the following positions in turn, repeating the sequence until a winner is decided:
- The centre of the 22-metre line;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to left of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 15-metre lines to right of posts facing;
- The intersection of 22-metre and 5-metre lines to right of posts facing.
RUU 10.1.3 Representative commitments When five or more players are selected for a National Governing Body senior side (Full, A, U21, Students, Universities or Women’s Elite, Academy or Under 20s), necessitating their presence at a competition or preparation camp associated with a competition, the institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be able to postpone any affected league fixtures.
RUU The institution/Playing Entity concerned shall be responsible for informing the opposition institution/Playing Entity of the requirement to postpone the fixture no later than 48 hours (outside of weekends and bank holidays) after the announcement of the squad for the representative team, and no later than five working days prior to the original fixture date. Upon notification of the postponement, institutions must follow REG 14.3 to rearrange the fixture.
RUU Knockout competition fixtures are not covered by RUU 10.1.3.
RUU 10.2 Match officials Match officials should be appointed as per Appendix 5 (‘BUCS Match Officials Requirements’).
RUU 10.3 Team selection
RUU 10.3.1 Front row players, except for full internationals, are permitted to move down one team from a team they have established normality for to play in a front row position only. For example, a prop who has established normality for a 2nd Team may play for the 3rd Team, in a front row position only. However, teams should be aware that REG still applies.
RUU 10.4 Minimum number of players for a fixture to start The minimum number of players per team required for a fixture to start will be 10.
RUU 10.5 Replacements, front row requirements, scrummage and player matching
RUU 10.5.1 For all matches, all starting front row players AND replacements must be ticked as Front Row on the BUCS Play scorecard (or if hard copy team sheets are being used denoted by having '(FR)' written next to their names) as part of the team sheet completion and verification processes of REG 11.2. They must also be identified to the referee before that start of play.
RUU 10.5.2 A maximum of seven replacements per team may be named and used. Rolling substitutions are used in these competitions, with unlimited interchanges allowed per match. Teams are permitted to field up to a full squad of 22 players without a qualified front row. However, the below penalties of RUU 10.5.4 will apply.
RUU 10.5.3 Priority must be given to the highest placed team from an institution/Playing Entity downwards. Therefore, a higher placed team may not start a match with uncontested scrums whilst any lower teams are starting matches on the same day with contested scrums.
RUU 10.5.4 In the event of a team being unable to field a suitably trained front row at the start of a match resulting in uncontested scrums being played, the result shall stand. However, teams that play 50% of matches or more with uncontested scrums will not be eligible for promotion. As per RUU 10.5.1 all front row players should be indicated on team sheets. Teams will be required to validate their eligibility for promotion by submitting their team sheets to the BUCS Executive at the end of the season. Non-offending teams should report offending teams here.
RUU 10.5.5 If a match starts with contested scrums but during the match a team reaches a point where a front row cannot be replaced, then the match shall continue with uncontested scrums. World Rugby Law 3.17 shall not apply, therefore a player whose departure has caused the referee to order uncontested scrums can be replaced.
RUU 10.5.6 All matches will be played according to World Rugby U19 scrummage regulations.
RUU 10.5.7 Uncontested scrums An uncontested scrum is defined as the same as for normal scrummages except that:
- There is no contest for the ball.
- The team putting the ball in must win it.
- Neither team is permitted to push.
- Normal rules regarding offside and binding still apply.
RUU 10.5.8 Player matching
RUU If a team informs their opposition in writing, at least 24 hours in advance of the advertised kick-off time, that they will be fielding less than 15 players (but at least a minimum of ten in accordance with RUU 10.4) then their opposition shall be obliged to only field the same number of starting players, however they may still bring as many replacements as they wish up to a maximum squad size of 22. The team requiring player matching shall not be permitted to have any replacements - all players must start. Both teams must also inform the referee before the start of the match of the player matching arrangements.
RUU Where at least 24 hours' notice in advance of the advertised kick-off time is not given, if a team is fielding less than 15 players (but at least a minimum of ten in accordance with RUU 10.4), then their opposition is not obliged to only field the same number of starting players, but they may still agree to do so, and this is encouraged. In this circumstance, the opposition team may name those players who will no longer be starting as additional replacements up to a maximum squad size of 22. The team requiring player matching shall not be permitted to have any replacements - all players must start. Both teams must also inform the referee before the start of the match of the player matching arrangements.
RUU Once a match has begun, should the number of players a team can field be reduced, their opposition shall not be obliged to match numbers, however they may agree to do so, and this is encouraged. In this circumstance, any player removed in order to match numbers shall become an additional replacement.
RUU 10.6 Game On Principles The following ‘Game On Principles’ may be applied, subject to the agreement of both teams and notification to the referee prior to kick-off:
RUU 10.6.1 Duration of play A match can be a minimum of 40 minutes in duration.
RUU 10.6.2 Half Game rule Teams are encouraged to apply the half game rule to ensure each player in every match day squad plays at least half of the match.
RUU 10.6.3 Line outs Team may agree not to contest or lift in the line out.