Windsurfing regulations for 2022-23 | Published 8 March 2023

Please note: Regulations are currently under review for the 2024-25 season and so those currently published are subject to change.

WIN i The BUCS Windsurfing Championships shall be conducted in accordance with the following BUCS sport specific regulations, the BUCS general regulations, and the rules and regulations of the designated third-party event organisers. Further event specific requirements, rules, and regulations will be contained within the entry information, pre-event information, Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions for each Championship.

WIN ii In the event that these regulations contradict the BUCS general regulations, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.

WIN iii In the event that these regulations contradict those of the rules and regulations of the designated third-party event organisers, these BUCS sport specific regulations will supersede, unless specifically stated otherwise.

WIN 1 Championships BUCS will host annually a Windsurfing Championships. The programme shall include the events listed in Appendix 1 (‘BUCS Competition Offer and Associated BUCS Points’), subject to entry numbers. All competition specific event information will be available in the event entry information and pre-event information.

WIN 2 Disputes at events In line with REG 7.7, should a dispute occur at an event, the event appeal panel for Windsurfing shall be as outlined in the relevant event Sailing Instructions.


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