The BUCS Football Accredited Universities programme helps universities provide opportunities for their students to play or volunteer in football.

Accreditation is an operating model which aims to unite the delivery of football under consistent standards to raise both the equality of access of football provision and the quality of that provision.

The BUCS Football Accredited Universities network supports institutions to create a football and futsal offer which meets the needs of male and female students who want to play either recreationally or competitively, as well as those who want to play a role in making the game happen. To register as an Accredited University, please complete our Accreditation sign up process.


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To become accredited, university delivery must meet accreditation standards which are focused around these key pillars;

Participate - An inclusive football and or futsal offer for males and females which provides an opportunity to play on a recreational basis. 

Lead - Inclusive access for male and female students to have Workforce & Leadership opportunities within the game. 

Compete - An inclusive football and or futsal offer for males and females which provides an opportunity to play on a competitive basis. 

Connect - Evidence of a relationship with your County Football Association (CFA) to demonstrate how you are connected to the local football and futsal landscape.

Member Services for Accredited Universities

The Member Services available to Accredited Universities are designed to help institutions meet the above Minimum Operating Standards while also using football as a vehicle to deliver institution priorities around a positive student experience through enhancing wellbeing and employability. The services are split into;

Staff Engagement - training and networking opportunities for staff from institutions. The next service will be a regional network meetings to discuss the development of football and futsal in your region.

Club Committee Leaders - These events have been designed to support university football and futsal committee volunteers and activators in creating and/or sustaining positive cultures within their clubs, as well as giving them the opportunity to network and receive personal development to enhance their capabilities as a leader. Sign up to an event here.

Activators - Our activator training days are a fun and informative day for students currently undertaking roles in your institution to support new and existing football and futsal activity through coaching, league admin, referee support and more. This training will help empower activators to keep making positive experiences for those playing football and futsal at your institution. Sign up to an event here.

Opportunities - this includes the opportunity to bid for funding exclusive to Accredited Universities and to be involved in profile raising or research projects related to BUCS Football Development delivery.

BUCS Football Accredited Universities also gain access to an inclusivity fund which can be used towards travel for staff and students to attend our member services. Our inclusivity fund application form is here.

Have a look at our football video showcase series, demonstrating the value of funding for different universities and the projects and programmes they are running as a result. Watch the series in full here.

Want to know more about BUCS football accredited universities? Please see our guidance document which is available to read below or for further information, please get in contact with our Football Development Team.


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