The BUCS office and the Sport Review Implementation Group (SRIG) are pleased to release the full report on the Sport Review process since its inception in 2016, alongside an update on Cycle Five and further recommendations.

Sport Review Cycles One - Four 

With the launch of the new BUCS Strategy 2023-27 and the beginning of Cycle Five of the Sport Review process, there has also been a need to capture and review the impact that Sport Review has had within the sector since the concept’s launch in 2016. The BUCS office, along with the current iteration of SRIG and in consultation with a number of former group members are now pleased to release the ‘Sport Review Cycles One - Four: Review and Recommendations for Cycle Five and Beyond’ report.  

This report details the three key stages that Sport Review has moved through since 2016, namely: 

  • Phase One (2016-2019): The forming of the first iteration of SRIG and The Building Better Competitions Framework, both led and driven by the Inter Varsity Competitions working Group 

  • Phase Two (2018-2022): Sport Review Cycles One - Three, whereby the sector saw 18 sport and or programme additions implemented throughout the BUCS offering  

  • Phase Three (2022-2023): Appointment of the second iteration of SRIG and Sport Review Cycle Four 

As the report is now published, the BUCS office would like to take the opportunity to extend its sincere thanks to each member of SRIG and the original Inter Varsity Working Group for their countless hours of consultation and implementation since 2016. To our former and current chairs for ensuring our decision-making processes have been as robust and transparent as possible, and to our stakeholders, NGBs and members for engaging in each cycle, promoting intricate and challenging discussions that have both shaped and impacted the student sporting experience in a number of positive ways.  

The full report can be downloaded and accessed here and if you require any further information, please contact BUCS Head of Competitions and Performance Andy Gilvary.

Sport Review Cycle Five 

As Cycle Four has now closed, the purpose of SRIG and the remit of Cycle Five will remain as per the 2022-23 season, with the vision and associated aims at the core of how the Sport Review Implementation Group operate recognised as: 

Vision: To ensure sports that sit within the BUCS Competitions programme, are fit for purpose, deliver an exceptional experience, and maximise NGB engagement for our student athletes whilst in a safe and inclusive environment. 

Core aims:  

  • Striving to review our current offers and programmes with all key stakeholders by building a robust and transparent assessment framework. 

  • To have an understanding of what a ‘good’ offer and programme looks and feels like for our students and members to create an ever-improving level of service and experience. 

  • Working alongside National Governing Bodies to fully engage them in the delivery of our services. 

Prior to the new year, SRIGs focus will sit with finalising and publishing the event assessment matrix that will ensure our programmes are fit for purpose, the release of the new sport framework that highlights the road map for introducing a new offering to the BUCS landscape whilst also continuing to evolve our NGB relationships and reward and recognition focus.

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