Entry Dates and Costs
Tuesday 6 December 2022
Student / Competitor Deadline: Tuesday 31 January 2023 at 23:59
(Students / Competitors must apply by this deadline)
Institution Administrator Deadline: Thursday 2 February 2023 at 23:59
(Institutional Administrators are given 48 hours after the student / competitor deadline to approve entries)
Fencing Individual - £40
This competition operates a staged entry process. Entries received before the Stage 1 entry closing date (23:59 on Thursday 2 February 2023) will be accepted where the competition allows. After this deadline, Stage 2 entry may open where the competition allows and will have a closing date of Thursday 9 February at 23:59. Please note Stage 2 is not guaranteed to open.
Priority will remain with the entries received before the Stage 1 entry closing date. Entries received after the Stage 1 entry closing date and before the Stage 2 entry closing date that are accepted into the competition, will be charged an additional 20% fee. We will not accept any late entries under any circumstances.
Entry Allowance
Six individuals per gender, per discipline, per institution will be guaranteed entry, any further entries will be accepted subject to the number of entries overall.
Therefore when submitting entries on BUCS Play, entries should be ranked in order of preference of entry before being submitted (e.g 1, 2, 3, 4). Should BUCS need to restrict per this will be done equally across instituions. (Where applicable all Para Athletes will be guaranteed entries)
Late entries on the day will not be accepted, however, substitutions may be made by an institution provided that:
- The total number of competitors allocated to that institution for any particular event is not exceeded
- The replacement fencer must have been entered somewhere else in the Fencing competition before the deadline.
Fencers may only compete in the BUCS Championships if they are in possession of a current British Fencing ‘Compete’ licence. British Fencing ‘Recreational’ Licenses and FIE Licences will not be accepted. You must produce proof of your license (Full license) when registering for the championships. British Fencing Licenses are available from www.britishfencing.com
Fencers will not be able to obtain a new British Fencing Licence on the day. They MUST be purchased before entering.
Competitors must be properly equipped for their events and competitors' clothing MUST conform to British Fencing rules and ‘’Guidelines on Safety in Fencing’’. BUCS cannot be held responsible for accident, loss or damage to persons or property, however caused.
Under BUCS Fencing Regulation 3 “All competitors in the sabre discipline in league and events must wear 800 Newton Glove. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of that match”. Please see Regulation 3 for more information.
Estimated Timetable
Please note this may be subject to change, and will be confirmed when entries close.
Men’s Epee
Women’s Sabre
Women’s Foil
Men’s Sabre
Men’s Foil
Women’s Epee
Competitor withdrawals must be made by a competitor's institutional administrator emailing Harry Spinks, the BUCS Event Coordinator.
Withdrawals before the entry deadline (2 February 2023 at 23:59 [stage one]) will not be charged.
Withdrawals after the entry deadline (2 February 2023 at 23:59 [stage one]) and before 23:59 on the 9 February 2023 will still be charged the entry fee.
Competitors who do not withdraw before 23:59 on the 9 February 2023 and do not attend the competition will be classed as a late withdrawal/no show and therefore will be charged the entry fee. They will also be fined £50 which will be charged after the event, to the competitor’s athletic union.
Should BUCS have to open stage two entries then new deadlines for withdrawals will be published. Reserves will only be charged an entry fee if they are accepted into the competition.
Please see our Withdrawal Policy for more details.