Accepted Entries

The following individuals are through to the final which will occur on the 24th of March 2024.

Top 12 Men:

  1. L Collins-Page - Portsmouth
  2. J Tinkler - Exeter
  3. T Ralph - Edinburgh
  4. D Wild - Sussex
  5. J Mitchell - Edinburgh
  6. M McInally - Robert Gordon
  7. J Prout - Exeter
  8. E Suleman - Cambridge
  9. H Waldern - Exeter
  10. I Kwon - Imperial
  11. F Robson - Durham
  12. H Thomson - Exeter

Top 12 Women:

  1. K Gleeson - Cardiff Metro
  2. G Guille - Brighton
  3. J Hince - Surrey
  4. A Kartal - Edinburgh
  5. N Pasternak-Albert - Kings
  6. K Noble - St Andrews
  7. E Scheuerl - Edinburgh
  8. A Xu - Cambridge
  9. L Hastie - Edinburgh
  10. R Steele - Exeter
  11. N Murrin - Exeter
  12. A Fung - Kings

Top 6 Novices:

  1. T Szemeti - Swansea
  2. Z Zatyczyc - Cambridge
  3. J Huang - Edinburgh
  4. A Gyori - Warwick
  5. O Thomas - Exeter
  6. L Vitek - Cambridge

The following teams are through to the final which will occur on the 23rd of March 2024.

There has been emails to BUCS regarding NSRA rules for handicaps about who is through to the final. This is being done the exact same as last year and handicaps will be included in the total gun-score. We will review this with BUCS for 24-25.  

Top 8 Teams - unrelatedly to divisions, this is done on overall team score:

  1. Exeter A
  2. Edinburgh A
  3. Cambridge A
  4. St Andrews A
  5. Durham A
  6. Oxford A
  7. Cambridge B
  8. Exeter B

Just a note: within the Team Final, you may use an eligible substitute if you find that one of your team members is unable to shoot. A replacement shooter must already be entered into the event on BUCS Play, i.e. they must be entered into any of the three Individual Competitions or be from one of your other teams, they do not need to be someone who is competing in the Individual Final. You are unable to use somebody completely new that has not been entered or verified by your athletic union.